“Suicide”, its unseen face (Part - 1)


“Suicide”, its unseen face

(Part - 1)

| Part - 1 | Part - 2 | 

            There is a reality that real articles are not written, they are carved. Correspondingly, with the hope that this article will also fulfill at least a little bit of that truth, I begin the work of carving this article.

              “Suicide”, one of the most common trending terms in all media, including television networks, radio networks, social media, newspapers etc. Commonly, television networks talk about this topic often to raise their “Television rating point (TRP)” but the only statement exposed by most of them at the finishing is “Suicide is the supreme expression of cowardice”. They fail to see another side of suicide. “Television rating point (TRP)” is the main dominant factor that changes most of the media personalities as inhumane, ruthless human beings. In the competition to raise TRP, they forget that they are human beings.

Source: Silhouette Male Suicider Going Hang Himself Photo 1329048371 (shutterstock.com)

              Any creature born into this world never wants death and struggles to survive to the end, even when death is near. However, only so-called humans define suicide. So, something that does not exist in any living thing but only in human beings will be the reason for that. The only distinguishing feature of the human organism in comparison to others is its ability to think. What factor leads a creature who does not want to die to the point of deciding its own ending itself? This is the main question that has puzzled many human psychologists. As an independent thinker, I want to argue about some factors related to suicide in this article in an attempt to answer that question.

“The person who completes suicide dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand… why?” 

- Clark

              Suicides can be categorized into various types based on the factors that put them in the basement. Depression, loneliness, over thinking about facing society after a failure or problem, financial pressure, addiction to drugs or drug-related products, the influence of social media or cinema, the mindset of not accepting failure, immature relationships, and so on are some of the main factors. And the public always give priority to talking about the suicides of celebrities or personalities with better background, but they ignore talking about the suicides of ordinary people and the reasons behind them. A much needed politics is also hidden behind those incidents. 

              In today's world, the most common term on most young people's lips is "depression". The truth is that many people who use that term are unaware of its true deep meaning. Mostly, the word "depression" is used in the field of psychology to point out the mentality of a person who has completely evaluated himself or herself as worthless or useless due to the influence of an incident or problem which was faced by him or her in the past few days. In most cases, the person's depression will cause him or her to declare that day to be the last day of his or her life. If you are interested in minimizing the number of suicides in society, you must find the roots of depression.

Source: Man Giving Hand Depressed Woman suicide Prevention Photo 1149599711 (shutterstock.com)
              Factors like depression and loneliness have a very close relationship, because loneliness is the main factor that causes depression. When we face problems or failures in our daily lives, whether we like it or not, our minds want to expect someone to come to our aid. This is the nature of the human mind. The best way to get rid of stress seems to be to share the problems I have faced with someone else. So, a lonely man is pushed into a state of depression when there is no one to listen to his/her problems or give him/her advice. That person may be his parents, spouse, siblings, friends or relatives. When I researched the suicides of a few celebrities, I was able to discover some reality. That means they have a lot of money, a good background, a lot of power, and a good social status. So, why do they commit suicide? What motivates them to do so? This is where we must comprehend the facts. Beyond money and position, loneliness is the main determining factor in suicide.

Continue reading (Part - 2)..

| Part - 1 | Part - 2 |